"Looks pretty right?" I ask, examining the mug in my hand, slowly rotating it to admire my handiwork, or so I can call it.
"You did a great job! Se ve hermoso!" Mia exclaims jumping on her toes. I chuckle, placing the mug back into the gift box and wrapping it for Liam and Stella.
"You have been using Spanish terms so often nowadays. From what I remember, you always hated it" I say while keeping my focus on securing the gift cover with tape. Mia leans against my desk while watching me "I did but Loren uses Spanish terms around me which made me fall in love with it" she lets out a dreamy sigh
I hum in response putting the gift away, I rest my elbow on the table and my chin on my plan watching her with a teasing smirk "Fell in love with the language or fell in love with the man speaking that language"
Her eyes widened, and her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she looked at her mom and aunt, making sure they didn't hear it.
"You ain't even denying it!" I tease further, wiggling my eyebrows at her. "Jazz please!" She whisper making me laugh. Aunt Emily and Aunt Lia glance at us but don't ask anything and continue to help with my packing.
Mia straightened up, patting her cheeks gently "But it's true, you know how hot it is to listen to a man talking in another language? He is even teaching me a bit," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"If you have learnt it during your high school then you wouldn't have struggled with it. Maybe from Lucas or Liam," I point out. I have noticed her randomly speaking in Spanish for a while now. Now I know why, Mia never liked it because it was a subject she wanted to escape from but couldn't
Mia sighs, looking up and back at me "That's the problem. When Liam and Lucas were in high school they chose Italian and Russian. By the time I reached high school, the language options were cut down and I was left with Spanish. But Loren knew it because of his mother and chose-"
Her phone rings making her pause. She excuses herself and walks out of the room. By her expression, I can guess that it's definitely Loren.
Oh sweet love
"You are keeping this too!" Aunt Emily's words pull me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and glance at Aunt Lia and Aunt Emily, who are helping me pack my bags.
Not only with my belongings but their gifts too
Both of them gush over the dresses while packing them. I sigh softly and step towards my suitcases "I can't take all these!" I exclaim in surprise seeing all the designer dresses they have packed for me.
They are beautiful and most of them are one of a kind yet Aunt Emily is giving them to me
"I don't have any shortage of clothes", I mumble, looking at them, my lips turned down as I feel a sting in my heart. "Oh, a girl never has too many clothes, Jasmine!" Aunt Lia declares as she puts another thing in my suitcase.
I chuckle, shaking my head in both amusement and agreement. Aunt Emily looks at me with a smile "We are sorry we couldn't join your brother's wedding due to the schedule. But if we get free then we will be there" she says apologetically
"Oh no, it's totally all right; I understand that", I assure her. I invited the whole family to my brother's wedding but as it was a sudden invitation not everyone could make it.
Honestly, if they came, then they would be surprised to see Lucas and me together.
"I can do the rest; thank you so much", I smile while zipping a bag. There are a few more, this will take some good strength to be carried from here to there
"It's all right, sweetie, we can do that much", Aunt Emily replies while getting up, followed by Aunt Lia "Oh! Don't forget your graduation gift!" She picks up a white box with a huge red bow on top.
"What? I thought these were my graduation gifts!" I gesture to all the dresses but they don't budge. I take a deep breath and take the box from Aunt Lia "Stella informed me about the dress she gave you, so we thought to bring you something to match on your special day" Aunt Lia adds
My heart beats fast in anticipation as I open the box. A small gasp escapes my mouth as I look at the shiny heels "These are perfect " I squeak in excitement picking them up
Examining the glossy black heels with a smooth crimson colour that screams luxury. This would go perfectly with Stella's designed dress!
They both watch my reaction with pleasant smiles without saying a word I walk over to them and hug them together, stretching my arms as much as possible
"I am gonna miss you all so much", I say, my voice slightly cracking as I keep my head low, trying not to cry again. I don't wanna leave with tears, just happy memories
Aunt Lia and Aunt Emily share a look, Aunt Emily's hand gently pats on the back. Aunt Lia gives my shoulder a squeeze "We will miss you too" she says
Aunt Emily smiles and nods. "Yeah, with you, this house has gotten an extra reason to shine. But this isn't a forever goodbye Jasmine. This place will always be open for you"
Their words give me a deeper wound. I am so scared of not being able to meet them. Over the past 3 years, I didn't realise how close we have gotten and how their presence became like a comforting zone.
A family who had no idea about me yet took me in for my safety. They treated me like their own and never made me feel like I was a stranger. Who does that?
"Thank you so much for everything", I murmur, holding them tighter. Noticing my overwhelmed state, Aunt Emily squeezes my hand "You don't need to thank us"
Aunt Lia nods as she gently caresses my hair. "You always have us, Jasmine", she says softly, and my heart clenches at her words. This makes me feel homesick already
I nod slowly, pulling back; I sniff back my tears and smile. "I will be visiting you all very often", I reply, stabilizing my voice. After helping me, Aunt Lia and Aunt Emily leave the room.
I sigh, laying back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. This guest room suddenly became my own room for the past 2 years, time passed so quickly here.
I hear a small purr and see Charlie jumping on the bed. Like always, I thought he would just relax here, but instead,, he snuggles into my side. I raise my eyebrow in surprise and caress his head "You want cuddles? I ask in surprise, he never comes unless I pull him into me
Charlie just spreads out beside me, his head against my arm rubbing his nose against my skin. I flip to my side to face him, my eyes narrowing "what is up with you huh"
Charlie turns his face to me, his ears resting down instead of being alert. He lets out another soft meow at me.
I abruptly sit up making Charlie jump slightly. I wrap my arm around him and hold him in front of my face. "You are already missing me", I guess, but his paws come to my shoulders. Charlie leans his weight towards me until he is hugging me
"Aww you are clinging because I am going?" I ask in awe as I slowly caress his back. Charlie continues to cling to me without losing his grip. He is quite smart and aware of his surroundings, he knows I am leaving.
"I will also miss you so much,h" I mutter, kissing his head " O,h, how I wish I could steal you from that fox" I s, ay even though I know it's impossible. Lucas adopted Charlie, Lucas raised him and I don't have the right to take him away from Lucas.
"Tell me, if I could just hide you in my bag and run away, will you come?" I ask scratching under his chin. He takes the affection happily, closing his eyes and turning his head up. I chuckle at his behaviour. "I could just give you some cat food, and you will even come underwater with me", I tease. Suddenly his eyes flash open again hearing the word 'underwater'
His deep blue eyes stare into my soul. I press my lips together "Okay, okay, no underwater jokes. Quit staring at me" I scoff and look away.
I heard pets are like their owners. I didn't think deeply about it because I never had a pet but now that I look closely.
Lucas and Charlie share the same kind of eye colour.
The more I try not to think about him. The more everyone tries to remind me of him.
Maybe it's a sign that I should let go of the past and start a new beginning? But what about the questions that have been left unanswered.
-2 years ago
"I think I got all the books" I sigh in relief as I read through the titles of the books. I didn't realise that business finance would also require these kinds of heavy books to go through.
The exams are approaching again and I do need to shift my focus back to my studies. After Stella's stalker incident, we all have been quite shaken up. While Liam has taken her to his apartment for her safety, I have been staying with his family
It was awkward at first, bringing a total stranger to their house, but slowly, I have gotten comfortable around Liam's mother and aunt. Even Mia, who is Liam's younger sister, has warmed up to me. The family is really nice and welcoming except for him
Lucas Williams
This guy has shaken up my peace since I have met him. Being partially involved in ruining my first interview and failing me in a group project because he developed some stingy feelings against me.
Even the Halloween incident when he pushed a guy into the pool. I doubt he wanted to harm that guy, his intentions might have been to push me into the pool.
Oh he always increases his hatred bar in my head whenever we bump into each other
I shrug off my thoughts and walk out of the library; let's focus on the good sides and continue living. I walk downstairs, I am later than usual as I was browsing through the whole Library to find these books and the librarian couldn't be much help
Liam's family even appointed a driver for me so I don't have to rely on cabs or go out alone. The driver also must be waiting and I must hurry. Unfortunately, the rain has just poured heavily
I start to descend downstairs, watching the rain from the large window set at the stair landing between the floors
"Excuse me?" A voice calls out making me pause on the stair landing. I turn around to see a girl standing high a few steps behind me "Yes?" I ask; looking up closely, I realise that she is from my class.
Iris was it?
She descends down the stairs with slow and smoother steps. She stops right in front of me, holding a critical gaze. Her eyes travel from my head to toe with judgy expressions. The strong scent of her perfume makes me step back from her to create a distance
Her eyes fall on my books, and she scoffs, crossing her arms. "You are Jamie, right?" She asks, her forced accent gives me an ick already.
What amazes me more is her attitude and incapability to remember my name even though we were assigned to the same group. In Fact, she informed me that I was kicked out of the group
"It's Jasmine" I correct her, keeping my tone firm. I watch her roll her eyes and wave her hand dismissively "Yeah whatever. Tell me, are you staying with the Williams?" she questions stepping closer, her eyes narrow into a suspicious gaze
Her words leave me surprised, how does she know that? Is she related to that stalker but that's really impossible. Yet, I have to be careful because it's about Stella's safety. I shouldn't reveal much to strangers
I quickly guard myself, clenching the books against my chest. "May I know why you are asking that?"
She sighs, her shoulders lumping down "I don't like beating around the bush. I just wanna advise you to not try and crawl into their space like some snake" she says, her tone dripping with mockery
I blink in surprise at her audacity "And who are you to tell me that?" I don't think I can control myself especially after she called me a snake. Seriously?
I take another deep breath to stay calm. 'Don't hit first', I repeat in my head
She crosses her arms, pressing her lips together into a tight smile "I know you are trying to gain their sympathy. I see how you are sticking to Lucas like chewed-out gum" she scoffs shaking her head "What can I expect from people like you"
Okay that's it
"You either watch your tongue, or I will report you to the board," I warn her, but she doesn't seem affected. As much as I wanna sound intimidating I can't. I could feel the nervousness building inside me. I am already shaken up after that stalker broke into our dorm. If she is somehow related to that, then I will start having a panic attack
But due to her talk, I feel like it has nothing to do with Liam or Stella. Rather, it seems like it's about Lucas. Wait, is she the girl who has been proposing to him? I have heard rumours but I didn't know it was her
She scoffs stepping closer "I know why you are sticking your nose into their family. They are rich and kind, perfect for lurking gold diggers like you" she mocks
I open and close my mouth in disbelief. Oh the lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch suit this situation perfectly
"Gold digger? I have been weighted with gold the day I was born, I don't need anyone's gold!" I snap stepping closer to her. My breathing heavily with the overflowing anger.
What is her problem and her judgemental behaviour? Just because I do not express my wealth doesn't mean she can walk over me
Realizing the reason for her behaviour, I try to call down and neutralize myself "Wait, if you think I am trying to hit on Lucas or something then let me clear-" Before I could complete my sentence, her hand shoots forward and slams her hand down on my books making my lose my grip resulting the books to fall at my feet
The loud sound makes me step back again. A dreadful feeling fills my chest as I watch her move closer to me, stepping her heel on the book. The sight makes me wince internally
"I can see what you are doing. Don't try to get close to him because you don't stand a chance. Actually, the management should have put boards on the campus like the Britishers 'dogs and Indians, not allowed", she scowls right at my face.
I could acknowledge the whole concept of racism coming from her, which made my blood boil. As I was about to react, a sharp pain shot on my right foot making me yelp in pain.
I look down to see her heel pressed on my toe and twist it, earning another wince "Hey! What are you doing-"
A sadistic gleam spreads across her face, her lips turned up into a smirk that makes my words get stuck in my throat. Her inhumane expressions send a shiver down my spine.
I am strong-minded. I have handled way more traumatic things thrown at me. I was even able to hit that stalker when he held Stella and helped her through, but right now, it's about me. I have never seen someone display such kind of satisfaction openly at another's pain.
That image has been copied into my mind
Why is no one here
Her smile against my pain leaves me with a disgusted feeling. I could react to her, my pulse pumping up and the swear forming in my hands.
"You need to learn your lesson, you know?" She whispers, her tone low and sultry. My eyes shoot up to her face, the creep crawling up to my mind that it goes blank with fear.
Her foot shoots forward in full force colliding with my knee. A loud, painful groan escapes my mouth; the impact makes my whole centre of gravity stumble. Her gentle, effortless push against my shoulder was enough for me to drop down the stairs.
For a few seconds, my whole life flashed across my mind
I couldn't breathe properly; I didn't realise if I hit something so hard that it was making me gasp or if I was having a panic attack at this point. A sob breaks out from my throat as it burns like fire. I could feel my hand clinging to a railing
My legs sprawled in an unexplainable direction, but as I tried to get up, I groaned in immense pain that covered my left hand, and I couldn't even move it.
I lift my head up in hope for someone, but the hallway is empty; not many come around this building around this time. But to my surprise, I saw someone standing there. I shake my head a bit to not lose consciousness, I do mumble something but even I can recognise my own words
Lucas stands a few feet away from me, his clothes damp from rain. I know he can see me, I can feel myself calling him but he doesn't move.
Gathering whatever strength I had, I tried to catch his face, but it was really hard. I feel like throwing up
Lucas remains unfazed, his eyes blank as he stares at me like I am thin air. No movements or flicker or reactions. Is he real or am I hallucinating? I try calling him once more, but he walks away; he runs away from me. As far as he could.
The silence draws upon me again.
He definitely hates me
My vision is blurry due to the mixture of years and the sleeks of black covering and uncovering my eyes. I try to stay stable, to not lose consciousness but it's hard. My head feels so heavy that it falls backwards before everything goes black.
I wasn't hallucinating; it was Lucas. He never answered me properly why he didn't help me and just left me there. What kind of grudge did he hold against me that he didn't wanna do anything despite humanity
When I complained about this to the board, they held an investigation but the result wasn't in my favour. The CCTV had recorded me falling on the stairs, but from where the iris pushed me, that was a blind spot.
I somehow convinced them that Lucas was a witness. He even went to give a statement, and I thought Iris would be punished, but no.
Lucas gave a statement that he didn't even see me fall.
I was left stunned, devastated, hurt even. I almost lost myself there, saw my life flash in front of my eyes yet he said he didn't even see me?
That resulted in the board warning me about the false accusations that could lead to bigger problems on my way to my degree.
My family is influential in India, not here. Plus, if word gets out, then I would face taunts from my relatives and baseless rumours in the media. I can't deal with them.
Because of it, I shut my mouth; I never talked to him about what happened or why he said that. I admit it was my pride that made me mute but he never seemed remorse about his actions.
I hurt my wrist and my foot and I had minor injuries here and there. I was lucky that my head wasn't injured internally.
I didn't tell anyone about what Iris did. I just said I slipped down the stairs because of the books
Whenever I look at Iris, I just wanna scratch her face in anger but I always hold back. Believing in karma that will hit her back one day.
I always wanted to ask him why he didn't testify against her. Maybe because he hated me or because he supported his friend just like everyone else. I didn't wanna blame him and move on but I have a problem holding grudges now.
Maybe that's why we walk around eggshells when we are around. Or always try to get on the other's nerves
But there's a small part of me that tries to understand the hollowness I saw in his eyes - that horror that resides deeply inside him.
How he looked so expressionless and blank.
I feel this stupid urge to understand him more. Especially after everything he has been doing.
My hatred might have suppressed or sometimes reflected in my actions. I am still left with a feeling of confusion and frustration
I have completed making those cute couple mugs for Stella and Liam. They aren't so perfect but Lucas has refined them for me. He even craved two hearts on my behalf before I wasn't able to do it.
A shiver runs down my spine remembering his gaze from back then. My hand involuntarily touches my hair remembering how easily he tied my hair
Why am I not able to forget that!
Don't think about him, Jasmine.
I am graduating tomorrow. That's all that matters.
"I am graduating tomorrow. Is that a big deal? Because everyone seems to think like that while I cannot. It seems like another normal day" I say, my voice hoarse for no reason. I take a deep breath trying to relax "I don't feel proud of my achievement"
"Is that normal? Everyone said I did great and scored well. Maybe if you were here and told me then it would have meant more to me"
"I hope you are proud of me, Dad", I mutter, bending my knees to keep the flowers on the cold stone. My eyes flicker to the gravestone, reading the engraved words 'James Williams'
"Everyone is fine. Liam is really happy, You might have seen Stella, she makes him happier. Mia is doing great, she would have asked you a million questions about medicine if you were here. Aunt Lia has left her past behind, she is still shining in her career. While mom..." I trail off, my voice getting lower with each word
"She is doing better. She is being strong. I know she misses you but never shows it. I bet she has visited you secretly behind our backs right?" A bitter chuckle escapes my mouth but there's no humour in it. My hands clenched forward together.
The warm breeze makes the grass sway in a rhythmic direction. There's a peaceful silence in this place, a few people around visiting their loved ones without any disturbance.
The light chatter comes from the church but it's much due to the distance between it and the graveyard.
Tomorrow is a big day; I wanted to tell Dad about it.
"You know how everyone is right? But that's not why I came here" I pull out my phone from my pocket and find a picture. I gently kneel on one knee in front of the grave and turn the phone screen to him "She is Jasmine, you must know her" I say, showing my dad a picture of Jasmine that I got from her Instagram
"She is pretty right?" I mutter, my eyes flickering between her and my father. "Too pretty for me", I add with a small sigh, shoving the phone back into my pocket. "I would have introduced her to you"
Taking a deep breath I try to compose myself, my palms rub together gently as I gather up the words
"I did something in the past that has hurt, even though it was unintentional. It has caused damage. You said saying sorry is important but now growing up, I came to know that saying sorry is important but it never fixes anything"
I slowly get up standing on my feet. My shadow falls on him due to the sun shining bright behind me. "Wish me luck"
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