"Dad, the teacher says that I should paint fruits but I don't like them." I huff, crossing my arms and looking at the newly brought canvas by my dad. I hear his soft Chuckle as he stands behind me, his hands on my shoulders giving me a gentle squeeze
"I know you don't like it but when you mix your likes and dislikes, it helps in growth. If you paint something you don't like, maybe you will start liking it?" He says, making me look at him confused, "And what if I still don't like it?"
My dad hums "Then that means it's not meant for you. Don't force yourself but don't give up before trying "
It worked. When I wasn't able to express myself or didn't like something, painting always helped me overcome it. I was always able to express feelings without being judged
Dad's advice always worked
As my paintbrush moved across the canvas, I could imagine her slowly appearing on it. Each stroke brings her to life on the surface
Would painting something I dislike, will it change my opinion?
I don't know
But when I saw her on the stage, looking eternal made me realise that she does have a secret spark in her.
I don't make portraits. It's been years since I painted someone with the fear of being laughed at. I thought to stop and continue with painting lifeless things yet each of my paintings had something that showed the beauty of life
Whether it's the trees or birds or water
But never a person
Despite all of the conflicted feelings storming inside my head. My brush glides over the soft surface creating her image to shape. Her graceful curves were wrapped in beautiful silk. The way she moved like a breeze of wind yet had a power behind it
The multiple colours spread my palette, each mixed with others trying to bring the perfect tone to match her skin tone
Even after so many tries, I can't do it properly. I needed her in front of me so I could compare and paint without any flaws, just like her. Mixing a few skin shades, I make something close enough to her complexion and shape her face
The soft curve of her smile, the gentle slope of her nose. The way her eyes wrinkle when she laughs, the tiny scrunch on her forehead due to the subtle nervousness.
The way her hair falls over her shoulder casting a shade to the side of her face. Her dress shimmered under the bright sun due to the silver highlights on the material. The golden hue over her face complimented her honey-toned skin
Each brushstroke is a reflection of the memory that I captured. I intend to preserve this memory here, to secure it in a place that is special to me. My canvas will hold this forever, as long as I want.
It's been months since I painted something colourful. My old pallets are still dried up with two colours, black and white. Their shadow has covered the brighter colours, taking them under their clouds
Yet her colours managed to escape through this
It's so beautiful, all the shades that were hidden are now coming back to their place. All because of her, I am feeling that sense of joy again while I paint. Yet it feels so strange
As time moves slowly, I lose track of time. I couldn't move from my place and continued to paint her on the canvas. I don't know why I am doing this, it's just that my heart somehow grew a liking towards this
I shouldn't right?
How can painting something you dislike make you more curious about it?
When my brush moves slowly upon the surface. I could imagine how she smiles, or how her laughter sounds in my ears. Or how would her skin feel under my touch?
Will that make her smile too?
Or just push me away?
I know she would hate it, she wouldn't like that I painted her. Without her permission would make her furious. I shouldn't show this to her, maybe even she would laugh at me like others
Maybe she wouldn't laugh?
Maybe she would like it?
That may still hang in the air
I messed up-
I didn't realise how long I was locked in my studio it's already 2 pm and the stalls were supposed to start after 1 pm.
I am in huge trouble
I groan as I jump out of my car and rush towards the stall as fast as I can. Making my way among the crowd as it has gotten way more packed after the event. Everyone is outside, exploring the stalls and faculties.
The sun is at its peak because of the summer's afternoon. The running is already making me out of breath but my spread doesn't die down, thanks to the basketball practices. I hate crowds, the way everyone is practically sticking to each other and the increase in temperature plus carbon dioxide is enough to make me sneak out of this place but I can't
I took responsibility, I can't back down
When I finally reach the stall, I see something unexpected. There's a whole long line of people standing at our stall buying the snack prepared by Jasmine. Almost everyone from different faculties seems to be enjoying it as they take a bite of those small crunchy snacks
I step to the side as the customers take their plates and walk their way out. Without wasting a second I make my way behind the stall, I stop Jasmine in a split second.
She has changed her clothes, some long purple top with a matching pair of pants. She looks good and comfy in this outfit. Her hair is now tied in a ponytail as she passes another plate to the customer. I see another girl, who is wearing a volunteer's coat helping her
Okay, at least she is not alone
I slowly approach her from behind, not gonna lie but my heart is racing fast. Not because I came running, but because I was a bit scared of her reaction. I gulp the lump in my throat feeling the dryness behind it
Okay, not a bit, maybe a bit more?
Suddenly Jasmine turns around making me freeze in my position. Her eyes narrowed at me, looking at me with her sharp and serious eyes.
She is mad
I let out an awkward chuckle in hopes that she won't do something crazy. Clearing my throat, I gathered the courage "Hey….I know I am late but-" Before I could finish my sentence I felt something hit my chest. I frown and glance down to see a small lemon near my feet
Did she throw that at me?
I raise my head to see her holding more lemons in her hands. My eyes widened and I stepped back, the memories from 2 years back came flooding back to my mind. Once this girl spilled her lemonade on me and I was smelling funny for the whole day!
"Don't you dare!" I warn her but will she listen?
"You deserve it!" She groans in anger, the rise of her tone makes me flinch. I don't remember the last time I saw her this angry. I want to calm her down and explain my reason but it's of no use. I open my mouth to speak but get constantly hit by the small lemons all across my torso
I sigh and let my hands fall to my side, standing there in a still position accepting my punishment. She blabbers something in Hindi while throwing them in my direction, not bothered by the amused looks we are receiving from everyone
It's not like I couldn't understand her language. I know small words like chup, chalo, and some but when she speaks a whole paragraph at the speed of a computer makes all that knowledge fly in the air
[Translation - Shut up, Let's go, fox]
"I was so stupid to think that this would work" she says while walking towards a basket which is now emptied due to the rain of lemons "You are so irresponsible, disrespectful and.." with each step, I could see the bitterness behind her words. I don't blame her, I did something irresponsible and disrespectful as a partner
"And selfish!" She grunts and flips the basket on my head and leaves it hanging there. I glance down at her, her face is red and her eyes are puffy. A frown of confusion takes over me as I step closer to get a better look "Did you cry?" I ask holding her chin, tilting her head up to me
With a scoff, she yanks off my hand with annoyance making me blink in surprise "None of your business!"
A strange feeling hits my chest. The moisture in her eyes makes me feel guilty for my actions
I sigh and remove the basket from my head, deciding not to push this further as I know I will get nothing but some yells "I know I am late and I am genuinely sorry about it. I am here to resume and fix my mistake" I say in a calm tone yet her expression doesn't remain the same
"This is what I have been trying to tell you, a sorry doesn't heal the damage that's done. Yes, you can fix the mistake but not the feelings. So no, I do not need your sorry" she mutters, for the first time I see something else along with anger in her eyes
Hurt? Maybe
Her words make me realise she isn't furious because of today's incidents but maybe because of all those times, we fought. But never once did I consider that she would get hurt. We both did damage to each other but I made sure she didn't get physically hurt
While trying to maintain that I forgot the fact people get emotionally hurt too
"Lucas! Please, I am sorry, okay? How many times should I tell you that?" Iris pleads while walking behind me but I don't stop. I don't even wanna look at her face anymore. "Sometimes, even a million sorry can't heal the damage done. Forget about it"
I snap back into reality when I notice the people at our stall looking at us. The girl who is volunteering tries to divert their attention but people are more interested in our conversation instead of the food
Good thing we are far away from them
"It's nothing special, just a couple having a small quarrel," the girl says making Jasmine and me snap our heads in her direction
"We are not a couple!"
"We are not a couple!"
She blinks in surprise at our sudden outburst but quickly recovers. She lets out an awkward chuckle "Yeah right. Hm, so how can I help you?" She turns back to the customers
Why did she even think we were a couple?
"Forget this" Jasmine mutters while walking back towards the stall. I quickly step forward and grab her wrist in a gentle grip pulling her back. "I know, I know my mistake and my apology will not fix it. However, I am willing to complete the task I was given and take responsibility. Can I?" I ask, my voice showing a bit of desperation
She sighs, the frustration is still evident on her face. I know she doesn't want me around her anymore but this is something we both were assigned to. I couldn't start it but I at least wanna finish this
"Fine, but after this. You will go your way and I will go my way. We will not associate with each other ever again" She says "anyways we were here only for a few weeks" I hear her mutter under her breath before she resumes her work
Yeah, only a few weeks and we will graduate
She will return back to her home
I grab an apron and wear it around myself to prevent any mess. I put on some plastic gloves too, as Jasmine makes those pani puri plates, I handle the money and pass out the plates
Our business goes well and everything gets sold out even before the closing time. A few people had to return because there was no food available.
Upon calculating the money which we earned, it was clear we gained profit. Yet, the 10% has to be given to the management for arranging the stalls and everything. The remaining were divided between me and Jasmine of a 50/40 ratio
If we go with the plan, I should get the bigger portion as I invested more in this. But with this whole incident today, I decided to let her have it. She didn't react anything to it, no rejection or appreciation
"Good business partner," I say, forwarding my hand towards her. She glances at me and back at my face, her eyes narrowing in disbelief "Fortunately, I can't say the same" She hissed Before walking away. I didn't expect much
My eyes flicker across her figure as she walks. The way her top hugs her figure and she moves in a grumpy manner. Yet, she has a car to walk
➠A week later
I groan as my body hits the soft mattress. My tensed-up muscles relax as I feel the cool air from the air conditioner coming in contact with my sweaty skin
We won!
We won the semi-finals!
Damn I still can't believe it
A wide smile spreads across my lips as I turn around and lay on my back. I look up at the ceiling with my arm under my head for support.
I am so freaking tired from the match we just had. After countless practices and hard work, we were able to defeat our rival university in the basketball semi-finals and we are going to the finals
It was a satisfying victory with a 70-58 score on the board. It's been ages since I have felt this happy and proud of myself. I have scored a good amount of goals along with my teammates. Luckily the new player played well today and I hope this continues
A soft purr grabs my attention, I glance down to see Charlie climbing up on my bed and sitting near me. His blue eyes are still under the influence of sleep, this one sleeps for so many hours yet he is always sleepy
I Chuckle and get up, sitting on the bed. I bring him to my lap and pet him like usual. This time he doesn't snarl at me or try to scratch maybe because he is sleepy and doesn't realize
Or because his favorite person is busy
For the past few days, Jasmine has ignored me like thin air. During meals, classes or anywhere we bump into each other. She walks away like I am invisible or something. She has gotten extremely cold after the orientation week, I didn't think she would be upon her words
Our exams are also taking place, and everyone is busy with the preparations including Jasmine and me. That's why she doesn't come out of her room or is it only me?
I have started to spend my time back at my studio again. I completed her portrait long back and it turned out amazing. It's nothing like what I have painted before, it's totally mesmerizing that I had to hang it in my studio
I don't usually hang my paints and keep them stored in the room after they dry up
I thought that maybe my inspiration to paint had come back. I tried to paint other things like waterfalls or forests or any random scene in Sydney
Yet nothing worked
I messed up so many times. Used the wrong colour, made the canvas fall, and mixed up two wrong shades. Even though I am a painter, I like everything clean and organized. The mess gives me an indescribable ick
After many tries I wasn't able to concentrate, I thought it was because of the stress of exams and the pressure of the matches but something was different.
I could paint and sketch nothing except her
It's like my brain has been imprinted by her image that I am unable to imagine something else to paint
To test it, I tried making a few sketches of Jasmine. While she is in class eating in the cafeteria, walking back to class or studying in the library. I was able to draw her expressions on paper. I didn't even realise how many sketches I have made of her till now
I sigh and lift Charlie in my arms, making him face me "What is wrong with me huh?" I ask "I am trying to" As I am about to rant out, he just keeps his paw on my mouth
I blink at him in disbelief "Did you just shut me up?"
Charlie just yaws and jumps out of my grip, sitting at the edge of the bed while his tail sways down. I scoff, crossing my arms "Oh so is this an attitude?"
I receive no response
I Chuckle in disbelief shaking my head "I don't understand why are you a brat? As I adopted you, I feed you, I take care of your hygiene and yet here is His Highness not even listening to me"
Charlie blinks his eyes at me, even with his stoic expression I know he understands me so well.
I remember bringing him two years ago. The original owner's Maine coon gave birth to many kittens and she couldn't take care of them. So unfortunately she had to give them up for adoption and I happened to be interested. That's how I got Charlie
When I brought him home, he was a few weeks old and his name was Thomas. Just for a prank, I sneaked this little dude into Jasmine's room, that time she didn't know how to close the deck's door and it was easy to come in through the garden
Her reaction was hilarious when she woke up to messed up pillows and a small furry cat sleeping peacefully on her stomach. The yells were so strong that I could hear them on the first floor
She didn't like him at first
After a while, Jasmine renamed him Charlie because paternally her favourite Bollywood actor plays the role of a character whose name is Charlie and steals some kind of blue diamonds that resemble Charlie's eyes
What kind of logic is that?
Surprisingly, Charlie never responded to his original name Thomas yet always meows when someone calls him 'Charlie' especially Jasmine
I don't know what kind of cat pheromones she walks with attracting everyone around like fridge magnets
I glance at Charlie who has fallen asleep on my bed again. I sigh and gently pat his head, careful not to wake him up. Have all the privileges, you are my unofficial son at the end of the day.
I slowly slip off the bed and walk towards my bathroom for a shower. The match took place at our opponent's University, so we were able to freshen up there due to rules. The whole heat and exercise made me sweat too much. I am Desperately in need of one
As I walk inside the bathroom, I look around to find all the toiletries on their respective shelves. I do have the same things back at my studio which I have been using for a while. So these are still untouched
Stripping off my clothes, I put them in the laundry basket and step into the shower. I turn on the shower letting the cold water fall on my body. A soft sigh escapes my mouth, closing my eyes I let the water drench me. Releasing the pent-up frustration and tension.
This feels better
Keeping my eyes closed and face upwards towards the shower, I grab the shampoo bottle and pour the required amount of liquid into my palm. I bring it to my hair and start scrubbing the shampoo, the strong fragrance lingering around the space
As I continue to scrub it across my scalp, I feel something weird on my fingers and skin. The liquid is a bit thicker and sticky than usual and some kind of particular along with it. Slightly opening my eyes I try to look at the bottle to see if I picked the right one
Even with the blurry vision I could recognise the brand I usually use. Then why does this feel so abnormal? I shrug my shoulders and decide to wash my hair before anything goes wrong
Did it expire? But I bought this bottle recently and only used it once or twice
Quickly washing my hair with water, I step out of the shower to look at the bottle properly. There's some kind of roughness on my hair and body.
Grabbing the bottle, I keep it on the counter near the sink and read through the ingredients and dates. All the materials used are the same, and even the expiry date is nowhere near. Then Why-
My breath gets caught up in my throat as I look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes widened in surprise as I stepped closer to the mirror for a better look. "What the hell"
My hair and shoulders are covered in tiny stars like glitter. I let out a scoff looking at myself, the glitter shines as it catches the light and reflects many other colours. I stand still in front of the mirror, the water still dripping down my body and face
Did she do this?
Oh God-
I just have this gut feeling. Such a childish thing could only be done by one person. But glitter in shampoo? Seriously?
I understand that I made a mistake.
But this?
This is her revenge?
I run my fingers through the wet hair strands pushing them back from my face. My hands clench around the shampoo bottle crushing them between my hands. I let out a groan in frustration as I feel my anger arising, slamming my fist against the counter
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